CCIA Priority Workgroups

CCIA Priority Workgroups

At the 2023 December quarterly meeting, CCIA voting Commissioners identified two priority areas to focus on to support Tribal and AI/AN communities statewide. These priorities are: behavioral/mental health and housing. CCIA staff convenes workgroup meetings with state staff, Tribal staff, and community organizations to work together to create recommendations to be presented to the Commission. 


Behavioral/Mental Health Workgroup:

Goal: Create a coordinated plan to address the needs and expectations of Tribes, AI/AN organizations, and state agencies to pursue behavioral health funding opportunities in a meaningful and coordinated manner.

Please reach out to Jenifer Lewis if you would like to join this workgroup at jenifer.lewis@state.co.us.

  • Next meeting: TBD


Housing Workgroup:

Goal: Create a dynamic, effective communication strategy that will support AI/AN community members with housing resources and organizations statewide; additionally, the strategy will include a culturally responsive resource for housing organizations to engage with AI/AN community members.

Please reach out to Meaghan Aylward if you would like to join this workgroup at meaghan.aylward@state.co.us.

  • Next meeting: March 10 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM