On May 24, 2022, the Federal Indian Boarding School Research Program Act (HB 22-1327) was signed into law by Governor Jared Polis. HB 22-1327 directed History Colorado to investigate the lived experiences of students at the one-time federal Native American boarding school in Hesperus, Colorado, also referred to as the Fort Lewis Indian Boarding School; as well as to identify potential burial places of students who perished while attending the school.
History Colorado’s efforts were led by State Archeologist Dr. Holly Norton, who directed a team of researchers and worked in close consultation with the Colorado Commission on Indian Affairs (CCIA) to better understand the lasting impacts of the Federal Indian Boarding School Program. On June 30, 2023, Dr. Norton’s final report was delivered to the CCIA, and an executive summary of History Colorado’s research was made publicly available on September 1, 2023. The final report and a set of supporting resources was made publicly available on October 3, 2023.
Additionally, History Colorado’s State Historical Fund awarded a grant to the Colorado Department of Human Services to investigate the History of the Grand Junction Indian School.
History Colorado values input from Tribal representatives, community organizations, descendants of those impacted, and community members and created this form as an avenue for them to submit feedback, comments and suggestions.
Federal Indian Boarding Schools in Colorado: 1880 - 1920
Federal Indian Boarding Schools in Colorado Executive Summary
Federal Indian Boarding Schools in Colorado Bibliography