Colorado American Indian and Alaska Native Economic Impact Report
The Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs is a proud sponsor of the Colorado American Indian and Alaska Native Economic Impact Report (2015). This economic impact study was commissioned in 2013, led by the Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs, the Denver American Indian Commission (DAIC), and the Rocky Mountain Indian Chamber of Commerce (RMICC). Citing a lack of centrally compiled economic data, several local, state, federal, and tribal partners worked collaboratively to create a statewide economic impact report that would highlight American Indians' contributions to the Colorado economy. This report is the first of its kind to be produced in Colorado and serves as the first installment of an ongoing intent to continued research of how American Indians impact the state.
The data from this study revealed that American Indians and Alaska Natives of Colorado contribute more than $1.5 billion annually to the state economy. Additionally, Colorado boasts more than 485 American Indian businesses, representing over 40 industry divisions. While American Indians account for 1.58% of the Colorado Population, American Indian per capita impact is $18,300. Several economic indicators were used to create a picture of the direct and indirect impacts of American Indians' economic momentum that can be used in several beneficial ways, including developing a plan for economic development efforts and increasing the potential for investment in Colorado's economy.
Key Partners
The Colorado American Indian and Alaska Native Economic Impact Report involved several key partners, including:
- Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs
- Denver American Indian Commission
- Rocky Mountain Indian Chamber of Commerce
- Spirit of the Sun
- Corporation for National and Community Service, AmeriCorps VISTA Program
- Governor's Office of Economic Development and International Trade
- Revolution Advisors LLC
- Ute Mountain Ute Tribe
- Southern Ute Indian Tribe
Colorado American Indian and Alaska Native Economic Impact Report
Colorado American Indian and Alaska Native Economic Impact Report (PDF)