Indigenous Education Needs Assessment

2024 Indigenous Education Needs Assessment

In 2024, the Colorado Department of Education and the Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs contracted with Education Northwest to complete an Indigenous Education Needs Assessment in Colorado. 

The state of Colorado is home to over 207,787 American Indians and Alaska Natives, making it one of 14 states with an Indigenous population of 100,000 or more (US Census, 2020). The U.S. Department of Education’s Title VI Indian Education program plays a crucial role in supporting Native American students and promoting cultural awareness within educational institutions. This evaluation seeks to assess the program’s impact and effectiveness, focusing on alignment with federal objectives, implementation at the state and local levels, and outcomes for Native American students. Key data collection activities included online surveys with administrators, educators, and community members at Title VI school districts and one-on-one virtual interviews with Title VI Indian Education Directors for school districts and Tribal Nations.

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